Lunch and Learn--About My Career as an Award-winning Author and Speaker.

Dr. Chris Stroble / Published on October 10, 2023

Lunch and learn about my career as an award-winning author and speaker. 

I recently spoke at Greer Middle School as part of their Lunch and Learn series. Lunch and Learn is a time set aside for students to learn about different careers while eating lunch. I spoke about my career as an award-winning author and public speaker. Here's some of what I shared. 

  • What I do as a writer and speaker.  
  • How you don't get rich writing a book.  
  • What I like about being an author and speaker.
  • What is hard about being an author and speaker. 
  • How to become a published author-even as a middle school student. 

What do I do as an author and speaker? 

I read, write, and speak at schools, colleges, universities, conferences, and community organizations.

You won't get rich writing a book.  

I broke the news that you won't get rich writing a book and provided an illustration of royalties and royalty payments. So, the obvious question? Why write? What's the point?

Why Write? 

I write because I have something to say that the world needs to hear. Writing and speaking are ways for me to get my message out. 

Is there a way to earn an income? 

Absolutely there is. You can earn an income by speaking at events, submitting for book awards, hosting workshops, and more. Your efforts to promote your book will likely open even more doors.  

What do I love about being an author and speaker? 

  • I love that I can create something powerful and meaningful that will last forever.
  • I get to challenge the status quo and solve problems related to pregnant and parenting students, childhood trauma, healing from trauma, single parenting, and the church becoming a trauma-informed community. 
  • I love words and language and being able to put them together to help others.
  • I love encouraging others and seeing them live their best.

What's hard about being a writer and speaker? 

  • Being criticized.
  • Isolation - you write alone.
  • It can take a lot out of you emotionally. 
  • People twist your words and use what you write or say out of context.

Learning to take criticism is a must for a writer. I shared a quote from Hillary Clinton about dealing with criticism: 

"Take criticism seriously, but not personally. If there is truth or merit in the criticism, try to learn from it. Otherwise, let it go." 

Can I be a published author - as a middle school student?

Absolutely you can. You can be a published author-even as a middle school student! I ended my talk by providing resources - two YouTube channels and a blog - for those interested in becoming authors and public speakers.

Alyssa Matesic - She is a freelance book editor with nearly a decade of experience in book publishing and editing. She creates 3–14-minute videos on every aspect of the writing and publishing process. Her goal is to help authors throughout the entire book-writing process. 

Reedsy - A YouTube channel dedicated to providing writing, editing, and book promotion tips. Their very informative videos are short - 3-14 minutes.

Reedsy Blog - The best young adult writing contest of 2024.

As a former English teacher and college professor who is no longer in the classroom, I miss being with students the most. It's always a pleasure to interact with them. Thank you to Greer Middle School for giving me this opportunity. Click HERE to request me as a speaker.

Testimonial ----Lunch and Learn - Greer Middle School

Friday, September 29, 2023

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your career as an author with our students. You were so patient with and kind to our middle schoolers. You provided great information about your writing, your purpose as a writer, and writing resources for students. Your expertise and passion for teen moms and single moms is evident and Greer Middle School appreciates you taking the time to share.

Allison Rosemond

School Counselor

Greer Middle School