My 7-Year Publishing Journey

Dr. Chris Stroble / Published on October 20, 2023

I recently won a Pencraft Book Award for literary excellence for my book, Helping Teen Moms Graduate. This award means so much to me because the journey to complete this book was long and arduous. It took me 7 years. I shared my journey in an interview with How-to-Write-a-Book. Here's a bit of that interview.

Published by Rowman & Littlefield

My book, Helping Teen Moms Graduate, was published by Rowman & Littlefield (R&L). I have had a wonderful experience working with R&L--particularly with Tom Koerner, Vice President/Publisher, Education. Tom went above and beyond to make sure that Helping Teen Moms Graduate was published. I have had this book contract with R&L for seven years. Because of health challenges and single parenting, I just couldn't get it together, but Tom wouldn't let me give up on this project. He kept emailing and encouraging me to finish Helping Teen Moms Graduate; now I am so grateful for his continued persistence and encouragement. 

Overcoming Adversity

I needed to stay motivated. I struggled to finish Helping Teen Moms Graduate. During the second year [of working on the book], I took one of Lisa Tener's [self-study] courses, which was an invaluable resource. Still, as I said, the challenges with my health and single parenting, I couldn't get it together.

[Five years later, I worked] with a literary coach, E. (Emily) Claudette Freeman. Claudette held me accountable. I worked with her weekly. She told me I could do it. She told me to see myself as the expert and to stop trying to be perfect. "You'll never get the book finished," she said. Her advice to me was, "Instead of perfection, let your goal be to do your best".

In the end, that's what I did: I did my best, and now receiving this PenCraft Book Award for literary excellence is a chance to step back and take it all in. A celebration. "You did it! You stayed the course. You finished!  

A Boost of Confidence

For me, just beginning my writing career, winning a PenCraft Book Award for Literary Excellence is wind in my sails and a boost of confidence to know that I can continue on this winning path in my writing career.

Thank you, PenCraft Book Awards, for honoring my work. Thank you for the confidence boost.

To read more, see the full interview, Dr. Christine Stroble's 7 Year Publishing Journey, with How-to-Write-a-Book.